Warganet Sedih Song Hye Kyo Cerai, Tagar #SongSongCouple Menggema di Twitter

(Foto: Instagram @songjoongkionly dan @kyo1122)
Uzone.id - Kamu tentu masih ingat, 31 Oktober 2017, tagar #SongSongCouple menggema di media sosial. Di tanggal itu, dua bintang Korea Selatan, Song Joong Ki dan Song Hye Kyo menikah.
Warganet ikut berbahagia atas pernikahan dua pemeran utama drama Korea Descendants of the Sun itu.
Kini, tagar #SongSongCouple menggema kembali di Twitter. Sejak tadi pagi, Kamis (27/6) tagar itu berkisar di deretan atas Trending Topic Twitter wilayah Indonesia dengan jumlah ratusan ribu cuitan dari warganet.
Hampir semua orang bersedih atas gugatan cerai Song Joong Ki terhadap Song Hye Kyo.
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Akun Twitter @jonginflicted menulis, “never forget when song joong ki said: “i care about my popularity so i decided not to get married not until song hye kyo came into my life & changed everything.” this is so fucking sad. #songsongcouple”
(“Gak pernah lupa ketika Song Joong Ki bilang: “Aku sangat memperhatikan popularitasku, jadi aku memutuskan untuk gak menikah, gak sampai Song Hye Kyo hadir dalam hidupku dan mengubah segalanya.” Ini sedih banget. #SongSongCouple”)
never forget when song joong ki said:
— tricia (@jonginflicted) June 27, 2019
“i care about my popularity so i decided not to get married not until song hye kyo came into my life & changed everything.”
this is so fucking sad. #songsongcouple pic.twitter.com/4U9JRtrNo6
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Sementara itu, akun Twitter @rosesforwendy menulis, “While Captain Yoo Shijin and Doctor Kang Moyeon were able to overcome all the hardships to have a happy ending, Song Joon Ki and Song Hye Kyo failed to do so in real life. We can only respect their decisions. It is all good while it lasted. #SongSongCouple”
(“Sementara kapten Yoo Shi Jin (tokoh yang diperankan Song Joong Ki dalam drama Korea Descendants of the Sun) dan dokter Kang Mo Yeon (tokoh yang diperankan Song Hye Kyo dalam serial yang sama) mampu melewati semua masalah untuk mendapatkan akhir yang bahagia, Song Joong Ki dan Song Hye Kyo gagal melakukan itu di kehidupan nyata. Kita cuma bisa menghargai keputusan mereka. Semuanya sudah berjalan baik, walaupun gak berlangsung selamanya. #SongSongCouple)
While Captain Yoo Shijin and Doctor Kang Moyeon were able to overcome all the hardships to have a happy ending, Song Joon Ki and Song Hye Kyo failed to do so in real life. We can only respect their decisions. It is all good while it lasted. #SongSongCouple pic.twitter.com/plWLkPK8tT
— ROSÉ (@rosesforwendy) June 27, 2019
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Akun Twitter @ktnncmll_ juga menulis, “They fall in love so fast but they also fall out love too fast. #SongSongCouple”
(Mereka cepat sekali jatuh cinta, tapi mereka juga cepat sekali berpisah. #SongSongCouple)
They fall in love so fast but they also fall out love too fast. #SongSongCouple pic.twitter.com/2azniDHH3m
— ???? Kate (케이트) ???? (@ktnncmll_) June 27, 2019
Itu tadi beberapa dari ratusan ribu cuitan warganet soal gugatan cerai Song Joong Ki terhadap Song Hye Kyo. Ternyata kabar gugatan cerai itu benar-benar bikin para penggemar patah hati.