
Sophia Latjuba Berkabung Ditinggal Mochie

Sophia Latjuba Berkabung Ditinggal Mochie

Artis Sophia Latjuba baru saja kehilangan salah satu 'keluarga' dekatnya bernama Mochie. Mochie adalah salah satu anjing peliharaan kesayangan Sophie-begitu Sophia Latjuba akrab disapa.

Rasa sedih kehilangan Mochie disampaikan Sophie lewat akun Instagramnya, sophia_latjuba88. Di situ, kekasih musisi Nazriel Irham alias Ariel NOAH ini unggah foto Mochie semasa hidup serta jasad Mochie yang sudah dibungkus kain merah dan dikelilingi lilin. 

"RIP baby Mochie.

Our heart is bleeding.

You will no longer be there to greet me as I walk through the door, to make me laugh or smile.

Life will be quiet without you.

You were more than just a pet.

You were my baby, my sister, my soulmate, my family, my protector.

It will take time to heal, for the silence to go away.

I will always listen for you, and miss you every day.

You were such a great companion, so strong and brave, loyal and true.

A loving soul I will never forget.

Mami loves you so so so much," tulis Sophie sedih.

Kesedihan Sophie juga dirasakan warganet yang diungkap di kolom komentar. 

@virginia_helen menulis,"Deep condolences... RIP.."

@dannywijaya077 menambahkan, "RIP mochi."

Dilanjutkan @nifadahlan, "I feel for you."

"Rip mochi," tulis @sukamdaniwidyadireja.


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