
Paris Hilton dan Chris Zylka bertunangan

Lia Wanadriani Santosa
Paris Hilton dan Chris Zylka bertunangan

Aktris Paris Hilton dan Chris Zylka akhirnya resmi bertunangan pada Selasa, (2/12),  seperti yang Hilton ungkapkan melalui akun Twitter dan Instagramnya.  

"Aku sangat gembira bisa bertunangan dengan sahabat sekaligus seseorang yang kucintai dalam hidupku. Dia sempurna untukku," cuit Hilton.

Dalam akun Instagramnya, Hilton mengunggah sebuah foto dirinya yang sedang dilamar sang kekasih berlatarkan pegunungan Aspen, Colorado, Amerika Serikat. 


"Aku merasa menjadi perempuan paling beruntung di dunia. Kau adalah impianku yang menjadi nyata," tulis dia.



Kepada People, Hilton memuji cincin yang Zylka berikan padanya saat lamaran.



"Cincinnya sangat bagus dan berkilau. Aku gemetar mengenakannya. Itu adalah cincin terindah yang pernah kulihat," kata dia.



Hilton dan Zylka yang dikenal sejak berperan dalam "The Leftlovers" bertemu kali pertama dalam gelaran pesta Oscar di Chateau Marmont sekitar 8 tahun yang lalu.



"Saat dia berjalan melewati pintu, kami sempat bepandangan dan malu untuk sesaat. Tapi pada akhirnya kami tidak bisa berhenti tertawa hingga akhir malam," tutur Hilton yang resmi mengumumkan hubungannya dengan Zylka pada Februari tahun lalu.



Zylka dalam sebuah kesempatan mengatakan kalau Hilton adalah perempuan tercantik di dunia.



"Aku menjadi pria paling beruntung di dunia yang bisa menikah dengan perempuan impianku. Aku tak sabar bisa menghabiskan sisa hidupku dengannya," kata dia seperti dilansir Digital Spy.





Paris Hilton confirms she's engaged to The Leftovers' Chris Zylka



2 JANUARY 2018

Paris Hilton announced on Tuesday that she's engaged to boyfriend Chris Zylka.


"I am so excited to be engaged to the love of my life and my best friend," Hilton told People. "I have never felt so happy, safe and loved. He is perfect for me in every way and showed me that fairytales really do exist!"


She reiterated her sentiments on Twitter on Tuesday, spreading the word to her 17.5 million followers.



Paris Hilton



I am so excited to be engaged to the love of my life and my best friend. I have never felt so happy, safe and loved. He is perfect for me in every way and showed me that fairytales really do exist!


10:29 PM - Jan 2, 2018

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Her boyfriend of less than a year, Zylka popped the question during a ski trip in Aspen, Colorado over the weekend.


"I was so excited and surprised! I immediately said yes!" Hilton said.



"The ring was so gorgeous and sparkling," she told People. "I was shaking as I put it on. It is the most beautiful ring that I have ever seen!"


The 36-year-old heiress and 32-year-old actor, best known for his role on The Leftovers, first met at an Oscar party at the Chateau Marmont almost eight years ago, Hilton told Glamour in September.


"As soon as he walked through the door, we looked at one another; we're both shy so it took a while, but by the end of the night we couldn't stop laughing and flirting," she said.



According to People, the pair reconnected two years ago and made their relationship official last February. Post-engagement, the couple continued to gush over each other to the magazine.


"Ever since our first date I knew there was something special about him," Hilton said. "I have never in my life met a man so loyal, dedicated, and loving. I knew right from the start that I wanted to be with him forever."



Zylka said Paris is "the most beautiful and incredible woman both inside and out".


"I feel like the luckiest man in the world to be marrying my dream girl," he added. "I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together."