
Duuh! Ayah Tega ‘Racuni’ Anaknya Demi Hits di YouTube

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Duuh! Ayah Tega ‘Racuni’ Anaknya Demi Hits di YouTube

Kelakuan YouTuber yang satu ini sangat tidak patut untuk dicontoh. Seorang YouTuber bernama Cordero James Brady tega berbuat apa saja, termasuk “meracuni” anak-anaknya dengan obat pencuci perut demi mendapatkan hits di channel YouTube-nya.

Brady, ayah dari empat orang anak ini membuat video prank, dengan cara mengerjai tiga anaknya. Diam-diam dia mencampur es krim kesukaan anaknya dengan obat pencahar (pencuci perut), lalu menyuruh dua anaknya untuk memakannya.

Dalam videonya, pria berusia 29 tahun itu memperlihatkan dirinya sedang menyiapkan tiga mangkuk es krim di dapur. Lalu, ia menaburkan obat pencahar di atas es krim tersebut, lalu memberikannya kepada anaknya.

Sekitar 90 menit kemudian, muncul reaksi dari obat pencahar yang dimakan oleh anak-anaknya. Ketiga anaknya pun menangis kesakitan sambil memegang perut mereka.

Baca juga: Tiga YouTuber Tewas saat Bikin Video di Air Terjung

Bukannya menolong anaknya, Brady tetap merekam anak-anaknya yang sedang kesakitan, tanpa merasa bersalah. Bahkan, ketika melihat puteranya merintih kesakitan, dia justru berkelakar.

A DAD has been temporarily suspended from YouTube after clips of him playing cruel pranks on his children were labelled ?child abuse? by a cyber-bullying expert. Cordero James Brady runs the YouTube channel CJ SO COOL, which has over 5.6m followers. His channel is monetised, meaning he makes cash from likes and views. The father of four regularly vlogs about his family, and often shows elements of their luxury lifestyle (such as moving into a ?mansion? and buying a flash car). It has proved a lucrative business for the Brady family, due to the fact that their channel has almost a billion views. But the patriarch of the Brady family recently came under fire for one particular prank video, in which he feeds his children laxatives. This particular video got the self-professed ?King of Pranks? temporarily banned from the platform and the clip in question has been permanently removed. According to, the prank involved him hiding laxatives in bowls of ice cream, which he then feeds to his unsuspecting children. Shortly afterwards, the video shows his children in tears and wailing in pain. ?My stomach hurts,? screams one. ?Oh my goodness, this boy?s stomach is broken!? jokes Brady. In separate bathrooms, they sit on the toilet crying, trying to close the door on him as he continues to hold the camera on them.

“Oh ya ampun, perut anak laki-laki ini rusak,” katanya sambil menyuruh anaknya itu agar segera ke toilet.

Pria yang tinggal di Nevada ini juga merekam anak-anaknya yang sedang berada di toilet, meski anaknya merasa tidak nyaman dan menutup pintu kamar mandi. Brady mengabaikan permohonan anak-anaknya dan tetap merekam mereka.

A DAD has been temporarily suspended from YouTube after clips of him playing cruel pranks on his children were labelled ?child abuse? by a cyber-bullying expert. Cordero James Brady runs the YouTube channel CJ SO COOL, which has over 5.6m followers. His channel is monetised, meaning he makes cash from likes and views. The father of four regularly vlogs about his family, and often shows elements of their luxury lifestyle (such as moving into a ?mansion? and buying a flash car). It has proved a lucrative business for the Brady family, due to the fact that their channel has almost a billion views. But the patriarch of the Brady family recently came under fire for one particular prank video, in which he feeds his children laxatives. This particular video got the self-professed ?King of Pranks? temporarily banned from the platform and the clip in question has been permanently removed. According to, the prank involved him hiding laxatives in bowls of ice cream, which he then feeds to his unsuspecting children. Shortly afterwards, the video shows his children in tears and wailing in pain. ?My stomach hurts,? screams one. ?Oh my goodness, this boy?s stomach is broken!? jokes Brady. In separate bathrooms, they sit on the toilet crying, trying to close the door on him as he continues to hold the camera on them.

Brady yang merupakan YouTuber dengan pengikut sebanyak 5,6 juta pengikut, mengunggah video itu ke akun YouTube-nya, ‘CJ SO COOL’.

Seorang juru bicara dari kepolisian setempat kepada MailOnline mengatakan, pada 2016 pihak kepolisan bersama lembaga perlindungan anak melakukan penyelidikan terhadap kasus serupa. Hasil investigasi tersebut kemudian dikirimkan ke kantor kejaksaan dan direkomendasikan sebagai kasus pidana.

Baca juga: Video Detik-detik Sebelum YouTuber Ditembak Mati Kekasihnya

Video tersebut kini telah dihapus dari YouTube pada minggu lalu, setelah sempat disorot oleh media online

Dr Kortney Peagram dari badan anti-kekerasan anak-anak Bulldog Solution, mengatakan, merugikan anak dengan laksatif untuk sebuah tujuan adalah termasuk pelecehan anak, dan itu sangat membahayakan anak.

A DAD has been temporarily suspended from YouTube after clips of him playing cruel pranks on his children were labelled ?child abuse? by a cyber-bullying expert. Cordero James Brady runs the YouTube channel CJ SO COOL, which has over 5.6m followers. His channel is monetised, meaning he makes cash from likes and views. The father of four regularly vlogs about his family, and often shows elements of their luxury lifestyle (such as moving into a ?mansion? and buying a flash car). It has proved a lucrative business for the Brady family, due to the fact that their channel has almost a billion views. But the patriarch of the Brady family recently came under fire for one particular prank video, in which he feeds his children laxatives. This particular video got the self-professed ?King of Pranks? temporarily banned from the platform and the clip in question has been permanently removed. According to, the prank involved him hiding laxatives in bowls of ice cream, which he then feeds to his unsuspecting children. Shortly afterwards, the video shows his children in tears and wailing in pain. ?My stomach hurts,? screams one. ?Oh my goodness, this boy?s stomach is broken!? jokes Brady. In separate bathrooms, they sit on the toilet crying, trying to close the door on him as he continues to hold the camera on them.

“Dia menyakiti anak-anaknya dan menindas mereka untuk saling mengolok-olok satu sama lain. Dia mengajari anak-anaknya bahwa tidak apa-apa saling menyakiti untuk bisa tertawa,”katanya.

Sementara itu, pihak YouTube mengatakan, konten yang membahayakan anak di bawah umur tidak dapat diterima. Perusahaan juga memiliki kebijakan ketat, melarang setiap konten berbahaya dan membahayakan anak.

Baca juga: YouTuber Bisa Rekam Video sebelum Live Streamin

“Kami menghapus konten yang melanggar kebijakan kami segera setelah kami menyadarinya,” kata pihak dari YouTube.


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